the collection of art works made by George Mobius / vj.neur0forest
VJ performances
64) 22.02.25 Presence Party, Sasha Malkovich, Eelison,
63) 03.01.25 Presence Party, Sasha Malkovich, Eelison,
62) 28.12.24 Fo2Fou Klan, VQWT, Rouman, Teddy Killerz,
61) 14.12.24 CreativeMechanism, Dynamic Dreamers, ..
60) 22.11.24 Chaba Bday, Dynamic Dreamers, Yulii Dorje,
5) 11.09.21 SunSpirit V fest, DJ HACKme
4) 21.08.21 Ecstatic Dance fest, DJ HACKme
3) 10.07.21 dj-camp from DJ school TAKT
2) 02.07.21 private party, Sasha Malkovich
1) 23.05.21 private party, Sasha Malkovich
Exhibitions & Performances:
21.05.24 Nizhny Novgorod, Decipraland
21.04.24 Rostov, Remont-Experiment
13.10.23 Moscow, Sources of Knowledge
21.09.23 Moscow, Frequencies 4.0
25.08.23 Rostov-on-Don, SHUM exhibition
20.03.22 Rostov-on-Don, Art-Bazar
06.09.20 Rostov-on-Don, Mesto co-working
18.03.20 Berlin, Brain Awareness Week
31.01.20 Leipzig, Basislager Coworking
04.12.19 Berlin, Wild Code School
04.10.19 Leipzig, Halle 14
20.06.19 Leipzig, Krudebude
24.03.18 Leipzig, Pilotenkueche
17.03.18 Leipzig, Kunstraum Ping-Pong

Artworks represent a combination of different techniques with a focus on audio-visual translations, neural networks models, self-made experimental project (MindDrawPlay) with translation
of brain waves and heart beat to graphical and musical forms and controls.
Audio-Visual Art (VJ-ing)
see more:
Audio-reactive visual translations
Audio-visual art (VJ-ing) for me is the most capacious and exciting way of translation music, energyforms and my vision. Every moment of our life is constantly being processed by billions of cells in our brain, heart and DNA - in different frequencies and waves. VJ-ing allows you to see and better understand the relationship between parts and the whole picture or process. I do it because it is the most beautiful language for me. Each audio-visual translation is always a discovery and immersion into a new space. Different music and visual effects reveal the beauty of connections and the geometry of space translations. Beauty is not in your eyes, it is the knowledge in your mind that gives you freedom, joy and power.
I am always opened and excited for new experience both in live performance and recordings for almost any kind of music.
Translation of brain waves and heart beat
overview of version of 2023
overview of version of 2024 (MindMembrane interface)
NeiryHeadband with PPG
Biosignals Augmented Reality (prototype for mobile app)
BrainBit + Callibri (ECG)
MindMembrane collection
with stable diffusion art
Physarum particles system controlled by Attention and Meditation levels
MindDrawPlay (MDP) – is a project of experimental interactive educational audio-visual art, representing translation of brain waves and heart beat to visual and sound spaces, flows and controls. It has been grown on a base of research work in the direction of Brain-Computer Interfaces and Heart wave analysis. The project integrates several applications and biosignal devices.
MindDrawPlay is much more than a biofeedback app with sounds and visualizations, it provides with a unique experience of interactive immersion into flows of your mindspace.
Biogenerative example with adaptive tunning of Attention level estimation
biogenerative landscapes
NvidiaFlex particles system
with Attention control
[ audio-visual translations of brain waves
and heart beat with stable diffusion art ]
NFT collection stories are emerged on the base
of Art, Science and Audio-Visual integration as
a result of years of research and inspirations.
Every work in this collection contains two storylines.
1st - is an innovative animation flow based on 180 stable diffusion images. Each flow based on a sequence of transitions between source images. The story starts from a short presentation of a core image, and then it unfolds in the flow with all others.
2nd story - is a visualization of brain waves and heart beat, and translation of both biosignals to sounds. Attention and Meditation levels are estimated from EEG signal and linked to sound samples, which pitch and volume are changing depending on mental levels. Heart beat is detected from ECG signal and translated to sound. Overall sound level impacts saturation of colors in the flow.
Therefore, at the same time, you see the visual flow and hear a music of brain and heart recorded during the flow. Each item in the collection has a unique signature of the moment in the mindspace flow. It reveals the general global integration process of our natural waves and its expansions with so-called "artificial intelligence". DreamFlowMind is about experience of new vision and new language.
The devices used for obtaining biosignals:
neurointerface BrainBit, cardiodevice Callibri.
There will be 180 items in the collection.
Revelations of Dreams
About recording process
[ audio-visual translations of brain waves and heart beat with stable diffusion art ]
There are 4 differences to collection DreamFlowMind:
1) sources are stable diffusion xl and 9x16
2) order and story are more variable,
starting from 60th item - the story is in specifically choosen order (scenary),
currently the source set has 1000 items.
3) 7 sound samples for biosignals, there was only 3 - attention, meditation and heart, here brain waves also: for each wave (Theta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma) there is related sound sample, which volume changes in accordance with values of waves expression.
4) starting from 117th story - there is circular visualization of dynamics of waves,
starting from 129th - there is MindMembrane.
Digital Images Art
Images made with mixed techniques
see more:
For me each photography and, especially, graphical art always represents the moment, the object and the view. It can be also considered as translation of time, space and mind in the language of colors and forms. The process and results of this translation itself reflect and reveal properties of all included parts.
Moreover, when someone observes obtained pictures – it interacts with his different sensory and neural pathways in the brain, producing various associations and emotions. Therefore, each image is like a door or entry point to a new space and process.
Stable Diffusion

see more:
Fashion Diffusion

see more:
Full List of Live Gigs
64) 22.02.25 Presence Party, Sasha Malkovich, Eelison, ..
63) 03.01.25 Presence Party, Sasha Malkovich, Eelison, ..
62) 28.12.24 Fo2Fou Klan, VQWT, Rouman, Teddy Killerz, ..
61) 14.12.24 CreativeMechanism, Dynamic Dreamers, ..
60) 22.11.24 Chaba Bday, Dynamic Dreamers, Yulii Dorje, ..
59) 09.11.24 CreativeMechanism, Nutty, Takehara, ..
58) 26.10.24 Osminogets, Avguchenko, Dynamic Dreamers, ..
57) 28.09.24 CreativeMechanism, Bragin, Fatum22, ..
56) 07.09.24 Moscow 2030, VJ contest
55) 14.03.24 Electrospirt, Mike Shumann
54) 23.02.24 private party with Dikovina group
53) 31.12.23 NY party with Dikovina group
52) 23.12.23 WatchFactory: Morj Horoshi, Avguchenko, ..
51) 28.10.23 SantaMuerte Halloween, Psyriccio, Toss, ..
50) 21.10.23 Closed Night, DJ HACKme, Mass Form
49) 14.10.23 Ecstatic dance, DinaRam, ej Ganish
48) 06.10.23 afterparty of SolarWind festival
47) 29-30.09.23 SolarWind festival
46) 24.09.23 Synthesis, Psyriccio, Maik Shuman, ..
45) 17.09.23 Clear Field fest, Fraki, Morj Horoshi, ..
44) 09.09.23 Kandinsky AV-perf, filarmonia orchestra
43) 09.09.23 Poetry book presentation, Vladimir Kozlov
42) 20.08.23 Soberfest stream, Pimenov, Sasha Malkovich
41) 11.08.23 Avia-mode festival
40) 30.07.23 WatchFactory, Kugo-Yeya
39) 01.07.23 D30 mapping, Fraki, Morj, Dynamic Dreamers
38) 19.05.23 Cube party, Ploshadka 50
37) 15.04.23 Electrospirt, Fraki, Bragin, Morj
36) 07.04.23 Koluchka Trance, Neporyadok, Psyriccio, Tetra
35) 25.03.23 Spring's CardioDrama, DomTanzTheater
34) 24.02.23 Noise evening in memory of Papa Srapa
33) 29.01.23 AV-dance performance, DomTanzTheater
32) 31.12.22 New Yeart Party
31) 25.12.22 visual installation & jam session
30) 03.12.22 Art-Bazar, Box&Pan concert
29) 26.11.22 visual installation & jam session
28) 20.11.22 private party, Sasha Malkovich, ..
27) 12.11.22 Art-Bazar, Box&Pan, Kugo-Yeya, Sasha Malkovich
26) 08.10.22 D30, Dynamic Dreamers, Holod, FRAKI, Kugo-Yeya
25) 07.10.22 Art-Bazar, 1-year celebration
24) 26.08.22 Neon Party by Hedgehogtravel
23) 30.07.22 Meduzadyrso, jam session
22) 23.07.22 Ploshadka50, Stab9, Be compromissed
21) 25-26.06.22 WhiteWind fest, Dynamic Dreamers, ..
20) 04.06.22 Ecomodno festival
19) 26.05.22 Ziferblat, Scriabin, "Prometheus"
18) 06.05.22 Makaronka, Fraki
17) 30.04.22 3vuk3des party, Eelison, Abooza, DJ HACKme
16) 02.04.22 DJ HACKme birthday party
15) 20.03.22 Personal Exhibition, Sasha Malkovich
14) 05.02.22 Alioth club openning, DJ Alexa, Sunbios, ..
13) 01.01.22 "I'm Mercury", Alina Damer, Goshme, ..
12) 18.12.21 ArtBazar, pre New Year party "Snowman"
11) 11.12.21 Genesis, DJ HACKme, DJ Rasskazov
10) 04.12.21 Metamorphosis, DJ HACKme, Sasha Malkovich
9) 30.10.21 ArtBazar, Halloween party "ТЫКWA"
8) 09.10.21 Body painting event, Alexander Kletsky
7) 28.09.21 "Only Artists Survive" exhibition
6) 24-25.09.21 Atmosphere Community fest
5) 11.09.21 SunSpirit V fest, DJ HACKme
4) 21.08.21 Ecstatic Dance fest, DJ HACKme
3) 10.07.21 dj-camp from DJ school TAKT
2) 02.07.21 private party, Sasha Malkovich
1) 23.05.21 private party, Sasha Malkovich